Discover How You Can Manage Pain Without Medications at Pain Clinics


Many people suffer with chronic pain on a daily basis. This pain can be debilitating and can interfere with normal daily activities. Unfortunately, chronic pain can also reduce your quality of life. Whether the pain is a result of sciatica, whiplash, spinal osteoarthritis, kyphosis, a herniated disc, or degenerative disc disease, a reputable pain clinic can definitely help.

One of the main types of pain treatment in many of today’s leading pain clinics is the use of spinal manipulation; however, chiropractors can vary in how they provide spinal manipulation. Some use their hand, while others use various tools to manipulate the spine and offer some much needed pain relief for the patient. Read more on this article:

Difficulty Moving Your Wrist? Let a Pain Clinic in Memphis, TN Help


Has moving your wrist become painful? Does it creak or make a snapping sound when you flex it from left to right? Do you see some swelling, or notice stiffness in the mornings?

If you’ve experienced any of these, you might have wrist tendonitis. It’s an uncomfortable and inconvenient condition where the tissue connecting your forearm’s muscles to your hand’s bones has become inflamed. Thankfully, a pain clinic near you in Memphis, TN can help you address it. Read more on this article:

Pain Clinics Promote Chiropractic Care to Reduce Need for Medications


Chiropractic care is an excellent option to help people reduce their opiate and narcotic pain medicine usage. Recently, a study was conducted at Dartmouth College in New Hampshire to see if using this method of holistic treatment could help reduce the need for medications. The study found that 57 percent of the 33,000 patients were able to reduce or eliminate their prescriptions usage. Can pain clinics in Memphis, TN help you more than turning to a pill bottle for relief?

The Great Opiate Crisis

More people are looking for alternative pain management because many are using opiates to alleviate pain and other symptoms. In 2014, there were over 14,000 people who overdosed on prescription pain medications. Another cause of this crisis is the fact that many insurance companies do not provide coverage for chiropractic treatment as they do a primary care physician. If your insurance company won’t provide coverage, it can be easier and much cheaper to just get a bottle of medication. Medications, however, just mask the pain. Using gentle manipulations of the spine, on the other hand, can alleviate pain. Read more from this blog:

Carpal Tunnel Syndrome: Supplementing Treatment from Your Pain Clinic


Carpal tunnel syndrome is described as a tingling or painful sensation in the hands due to an irritated median nerve found in the wrist. The condition is common among people in Memphis, TN who repeatedly perform the same hand movement over and over again. This is especially true if the repetitive movement involves the wrist bending down.

Fortunately, people who experience carpal tunnel syndrome can seek treatment from respected pain clinics in Memphis, TN like Chiropractic-Memphis. Regular chiropractic treatment has been known to help provide patients with relief from the pain associated with carpal tunnel syndrome.

Of course, there are other things you can do to help prevent carpal tunnel syndrome episodes in between your scheduled chiropractic sessions. Read more on this article.

What Results Can You Reasonably Expect to Achieve at a Pain Clinic?


It’s thought that over 100 million Americans suffer with chronic pain. If you’re one of them, you may not know how to manage it. Many people go to pain clinics to help them with all kinds of chronic pain. If you’ve been advised to go to a pain clinic, you may be wondering what will happen on your first visit, and what results you can expect.

What Happens at a Pain Clinic

Contrary to what their name suggests, pain clinics aren’t social gatherings for those experiencing discomfort. A pain clinic is any center dedicated to the goal of diagnosing and treating chronic pain. Read more from this blog:

Pain Clinics in Memphis, TN Offer Chiropractic Care for Chronic Pain

There are pain clinics around Memphis, TN specializing in chiropractic (non-surgical musculoskeletal) treatment to correct back pains using different techniques, mostly by manual pressure and counter-pressure application on the target area. With these procedures, the doctors are able to adjust spine misalignments, and correct them. They use the force of their hands, as well as tools of the trade, such as drop tables and activators, to ease the spine and help it to move the way it’s designed to.

Accredited chiropractors, such as those from Chiropractic Memphis, are available throughout the day and some nights at various pain clinics in Memphis, TN, ready to answer your call for help. If you’re tired of suffering from your recurring chronic back pains, always seek out professional assistance.

How to be Fashionable without Pain, Says a Pain Clinic in Memphis, TN

“Make sure your shoes fit right, and does not just look good. Blisters and callouses are not the only footwear-related injuries you can sustain. Broken or twisted ankles, not to mention swollen legs, are all on the list too.

Even though men and women may feel conscious how they look, both must heed how their bodies feel to keep pain from occurring. Should pain be eventually felt, then it is advisable to check in with pain clinics in Memphis, TN such as those of Chiropractic Memphis for help.”

Muscle Training Reduces the Need for Memphis, TN Pain Clinic Treatment

A strong knee won’t tear so easily; this should be the focus of ACL prevention, according to experts. The knee must have strong muscles surrounding it to reduce stress on the joints. Never miss a training session, but don’t push yourself too hard either. Experts recommend strengthening the upper leg muscles, which include the hamstring and quadriceps since the lack of flexibility in these muscles can easily tear ligaments.

Even with training, you may still sustain knee injury but not usually as bad as Hoyer’s. By strengthening your muscles, the treatment by pain clinics in Memphis, TN will be much easier and less costly.